23 June 2003 XXVI

Khamsin Molossia News

The Molossia Railroad is proud to announce the arrival of it's newest engine. Number 18, "Zephyr", was delivered last week, and is now on duty, hauling passengers and goods along Molossia's dusty rails. Zephyr has been purchased by our railroad from the now-defunct Yellow Pine Lumber Company, hence the original number "18", carried over from that road.

Zephyr is a 2-6-0 Mogul, built by Baldwin Locomotive Works. The first 2-6-0 Mogul locomotive appeared in 1852. The 2-6-0 was an outgrowth of the 0-6-0. The 0-6-0 was too rigid for the undulating track of the period, so in the early 1860's, a radial lead truck was added to the locomotive, creating a 2-6-0. The Mogul has 50 percent more tractive power than the 4-4-0 American. Moguls were light of foot, which allowed them to operate on tracks with light rail and minimal ballast, making them popular with short lines.

Zephyr will doubtless be a great asset to our hard-working rail fleet!

Learn more about the Molossia Railroad here.

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