1 October 2012 XXXV

Khamsin Molossia News

New Constable

The Government of the Republic of Molossia is proud to announce the appointment of our latest official. Miss Alexis Baugh has been appointed to the position of Chief Constable for the Republic of Molossia. In this job, Constable Alexis Baugh will be responsible for enforcing the laws of the nation, including those recently promulgated by His Excellency, The President (see below). We are quite proud of our new Constable and support and wish her well with her new responsibilities.

The President And The New Constable

New Laws

The following edicts have been issued by His Excellency, The President:

  • It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.
  • Torpedoes may not be set off in the country.
  • It is illegal to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.
  • Quail have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.
  • Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.
  • Detonating a nuclear device within the nation will result in a VL 500.- fine.
  • It is illegal to walk a camel along Alphonse Simms Circle between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 PM MST.
  • All persons wishing to keep a rhinoceros as a pet must obtain a VL 100.- license first.
  • It is illegal to hunt moths under a street light.
  • Elephants are prohibited from strolling through Red Square unless they are on a leash.
  • It is illegal to play percussion instruments in any bathroom.

    These laws are effective 1 October 2012 XXXV.

    Read more about the edicts issued by Our President here.

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