29 January 2020 XLIII
Khamsin Molossia News

The Government of the Republic of Molossia is proud to introduce our latest export product, Mad Mustang Lip Balm. Made with the finest ingredients, and coming in two flavors, Lemon and Peppermint, Mad Mustang Lip Balm is ideal for invigorating your tired, chapped lips. Here in Molossia our dry desert climate saps the moisture from everything and none more than lips. Our scientists have labored long and hard to develop a special formula that will withstand our harsh desert sun and keep your lips soft and healthy. So don't wait, buy Mad Mustang Lip Balm today and get the most beautiful lips in the country!

Buy Mad Mustang Lip Balm here

Lemon Lip Balm

Peppermint Lip Balm

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