21 June 2003 XXVI

Khamsin Molossia News

It has been a long time coming, but the big day has finally arrived, and folks in Molossia couldn't be happier. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has arrived in Molossia. On 21 June 2003 XXVI, at 12:01 PST (12:40 MST), three-fourths of our nation's population was on hand at our local booksellers for the unveiling of this fifth installment in the magical Harry Potter series.

Harry Potter has been a fixture in Molossia virtually from the day the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, was released, back in 1997 XX. Since that day, Harry Potter fever has bewitched our citizens, with most of them each owning a full set of the books, not to mentions copies of the movie. This much anticipated latest installment has been on minds for months, as delay after delay kept it from the booksellers shelves. Thus, it was with great excitement that this morning's release was viewed. Two copies have already made their way to government house, and are being eagerly devoured by members of the First Family. It is certain that this latest Harry Potter adventure will be memorable, as were the festivities leading up to its release. To all you Harry Potter fans out there, happy reading!

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