New Year's Speech

Given by His Excellency, President Kevin Baugh
February 7th, 2008 XXXI

My Fellow Molossians, Greetings.

We are at the close of the most successful year in the history of the Republic of Molossia. In describing the events of the past year, everyday language is not enough to express my pride in our nation, our people and our accomplishments.

The past year was filled with dramatic events, events so exciting and intense that we sometimes are not able to appreciate them individually. No sooner did one marvelous event take place then along came another. That is not to say that there weren't trials along with our triumphs, but the important thing about the historic events of the past year is that we did not waver during the difficult times, and that we always prevailed. Molossians have an incorruptible ability to believe that everything is possible and reachable if one devotes one's full energies and fights with a strong and courageous heart. Our strength of will is fully sufficient to deal with the setbacks, and to forge ahead with ever greater achievements.

Today, we focus all our energies on making our nation an even greater place to live and work. Small problems are always there, but we will persevere and overcome. Only our courage, steadfastness, actions and accomplishments make this great nation possible. These same strengths will guide us in the coming year, and our triumphs will only be greater.

It is always hard to bid farewell to a year. Each year has many joys and sorrows, its high points and low points. It is difficult, however, to bid farewell to the year 2007. It was a splendid year, crowned with victory and success, a year without equal.

Join with me today in this strong and unshakable belief in the greatness of the Molossian nation. 2007 was the most amazing year in Molossia's history. May it be followed by a new year also filled with success and victory! May it bring our land and its people blessing and good fortune!

God Bless You,
Long Live Molossia!

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