2014 New Year's Speech

New Year's Speech

Given by His Excellency, President Kevin Baugh
31 January 2014 XXXVII

My Fellow Molossians, Greetings.

It is the New Year, a time of renewal, and a time of reflection. As we look ahead to the future, we also look back at the past and salute our accomplishments and assess our setbacks. This past year was one of mixed blessings, to be sure. We grew in international stature, as evidenced by the Yahoo! media visit and our popularity on Reddit, and as evidenced by the over 100 tourists that visited our fair nation. But we had shortfalls in certain areas, and budget constraints limited our usually limitless projects and goals.

But, as this year draws to a close, it is now time to look eagerly forward toward what is to come. Our nation continues to grow and prosper, with new construction projects taking place, the promise of a busy tourist season in the offing and of course scientific expeditions planned. We never let setbacks stop us, but instead rely on our ingenuity and perseverance to help us through difficulties and reward us with success. After all, the very foundation of our nation is that ingenuity and the continuance of our success as a country springs from that spirit of perseverance. Triumph over adversity is the greatest reward and triumph we shall.

I call on all Molossians to renew their commitment to our nation. We are a family, and together we can accomplish anything. Each day brings new challenges and the promise of new rewards. These rewards are not always tangible, not always profit or fame, but instead are more subtle. They can be as simple as the sun shining on our flag as it waves in the desert wind. They can be the feeling that one gets when you realize that in this one tiny spot on this great big world we are doing something amazing by having our own nation. They can be that we make a difference in people's lives, not just our own, but the lives of others that have learned about and been inspired by Molossia. Our nation is a shining star, a beacon, and we lead the way in the world of small nations.

So let us look ahead to the future, for that future is ours. What we make of it is up to us, and I know that we can do anything we put our minds to.

As always, I pledge to continue to lead you as best I can, to be your mentor and your partner. I am not the nation, we all are. And together we shall continue to build toward a great future for all Molossians.

God Bless You,
Long Live Molossia!

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